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Dell PP10S Laptop

by Sally Hanson
(New York, NY)

I bought my Dell laptop five years ago when I was preparing to travel for a year overseas. Since I was mainly going to be using the computer to access the internet, iTunes and store some word documents and photos, I bought one with low RAM to help save some money.

I actually could not believe how little the laptop ended up costing me. It was incredible and it more than fit my needs. It was exactly what I needed as I made my way all around Europe and it ran fine internationally.

My one complaint is that it was heavy and a little cumbersome to lug around, especially compared to laptops that are currently on the market.

When I returned to the States, I continued to use the laptop, all but abandoning the Dell desktop that I had been using the previous 3 years. That decision was partially due to the success I was having with the laptop, it having my most recent adventures on it, and it being an upgrade in terms of saving space in my tiny apartment.

I did run into some problems about two years ago that stemmed from my choice to buy a computer with low RAM. And unfortunately I think the laptop is on it's last legs, but five years and thousands of travel miles in a variety of conditions is about as good a run one can ask for from a computer. It certainly lasted longer than any iPod I've owned.

Overall, I'd say my experience with my Dell laptop was a good one.

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Sep 26, 2011
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